
Investing in a sustainable future

Marguerite invests in infrastructure bringing essential environmental and social value to society – and strives to further contribute to the creation of sustainable living environments.

ESG values

Marguerite expresses its commitment to sustainability through three core values.


Mitigating climate change and protecting the environment


Promoting social cohesion and access to essential services


Upholding integrity in business activities

Nicolas Merigo
Managing Partner and CEO

ESG considerations play a central role in our strategy: they contribute to the overall performance of our funds and safeguard the reputation of our investors.

We also systematically consider the positive contributions of our investments using specific frameworks, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We then continuously assess and monitor ESG risks and opportunities.

Sustainable investments

Marguerite infrastructure investments intrinsically bring environmental and social benefits to future generations.

We quantify and monitor the sustainability contribution of Marguerite's investments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and take steps to improve their performance.

Selected contributions of Marguerite’s investments since inception

1.3 GWp

Renewable electricity generation capacity, producing electricity for 1.2 million European households


Planned energy-efficient lighting points

100 GWh

Renewable heat supplied by our district heating networks


Renewable gas produced, equivalent to the consumption of 37,000 European households

103,000 KM

Fibre-optic network connecting 1.7 million households and businesses


Expected passengers in our 15 airports in 2025

6,200 KM

Transatlantic dada cable connecting Europe and South-America


Travelled by our freight trains

550,000 TONNES

Waste diverted from landfill every year

9,000 KM

Gas network supplying 558,000 clients


Data centres

366 KM

essential roads

Our investments


Where we invest

Target sectors

Sustainability policy and annual sustainability report

Our Sustainability Policy states the principles of our approach to Sustainability as an infrastructure investor while our Sustainability Report captures our yearly performance and progress in our ESG journey.

Regulatory sustainability-related disclosure

Marguerite supports and encourages transparency on integration of sustainability risks and the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts, on sustainable investment objectives, and/or on the promotion of environmental or social characteristics, in investment decision‐making that is promoted by the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

At Marguerite, we have integrated sustainability risks in our processes since our creation in 2010. We are currently improving our sustainability reporting on the entire portfolio. In 2023, we decided not to report on the newly designed Principal Adverse Impact indicators due to data quality issues.

Applying sustainability principles to the workplace

Marguerite adherence to sustainability applies to our workplace practices. At Marguerite, we make it a point of honour to ensure that the sustainability values driving our investment strategy are shared by our people.

We seek continuous improvement of sustainability principles and ESG reporting.

We offer best practice training and incentives to the Marguerite team to ensure sustainability is top of mind when assessing opportunities. We take positive action in the governance of the investments and their management.

We see diversity as an asset and inclusion as a duty.

Promoting sustainability principles

As part of our commitment to sustainable investment, Marguerite is an active member of key initiatives in the finance sector.